Friday 10 July 2009


I once read such a beautiful passage in a book. It suggested how the essence of every life is the same as that contained in the smallest seed, of the smallest plant. That how from the smallest seed and its roots, all of life grew and all of life is connected.

I’ve always had the deepest of respect for each living thing in this world – whether it is human, animal, plant or tree. I’ve always believe that the same soul of life is contained in each thing.

I recently watched a very harrowing, and emotional film about the civil war within Africa. It has the usual Hollywood undertones of the American army saving the day – carried out by the obviously true American hero, Bruce Willis. Bruce was given a mission to find and rescue an American doctor working in a mission in the midst of the war. His mission was to rescue the doctor, and the doctor only. The doctor, on her own mission to save as many lives as she could, would not leave her people that she cared for. Bruce ensures her that if she stays then the African soldiers who were not far behind would kill her instantly. She stands her ground. Why should she be the only one who is saved? She simply states “Yes, I may be an American, but all of us here are human”.

At the end of the Second World War, when all captured and imprisoned Jewish people were liberated throughout Europe, a small group made a gift for their saviour. The famous Oskar Schindler did his best through money, crime and bribery to save as many Jewish lives as he could during the Holocaust. The gift that they gave him was a simple gold band, which was engraved with a Hebrew proverb. It read “He who saves one life, saves the world entire”.

One life. Just one life, no matter race, or creed, colour, human, animal or plant, is a gift. This same life and soul – I believe – lives within us all.

So as I sit here on my air conditioned train, drinking my Starbucks, listening to my iTouch and looking across the beautiful sunlit countryside, I do realise and appreciate how lucky I am. This is my life, and my soul is happy. This is why I respect every human and living thing in this world, as the same life that is within me, is within them.

I feel that it is when this respect for life is forgotten that our world and the people within it turn upon themselves. War, murder, racism, homophobia, hate – all are born from a lack of respect of life and love.

Life is a gift, to love should come naturally to everyone.

I worry how this simple understanding is rapidly disappearing.

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

Saturday 13 June 2009

You'll never know how much it meant

The simplest of memories which I will cherish forever.

Three soul mates of different varieties in a room. Two bound to each other, and the same two bound to the other.

An unexpected visit. A visit necessary to solve a heart ache, a problem that was solved as soon as the three of us were together.

Sat in a simple front room, in a simple home. One of the happiest places I could be.

Conversation and red wine. Conversation turns to song. Red wine turns to more red wine.

An old guitar which has played the soundtrack to some of my lifetime highs.

A song which will be with me forever.

Two of us singing to the strumming of the talents of a man beyond anyone else I have ever known.

Laughing. Drinking. Getting the words wrong.

I was myself for the first time in a year.

I will remember this for the rest of my life.

Thank you.

These are the dreams...

Dreams - Dreaming is defined as the subjective experience of imaginary images, sounds/voices, thoughts or sensations during sleep. Dreams represent a world of imagery in which our darkest fears, deepest secrets, and most passionate fantasies break out from the unconscious mind and only at this time become present to our own consciousness.

I have always been a morning person, and I pull myself out of bed as soon as I open my eyes. There are 24 usable hours in everyday and I don’t like to waste them.

After what my unconscious mind projecting in to my deep sleep last night, I wished to not only stay in bed forever, but to my lost in my dream.

It was so real.

Not just that, it felt so right.

I felt so alive.

I had never felt happier.

I even remember thinking in my dream, this has to be heaven, I have never felt like this.
I felt it. In the core of me. Even as I slept I could feel that excitement in the pit of my stomach.

It was simple.

I came over to your house, as normal. It felt normal. It wasn’t your actual house, but in my dream it felt like I had been there a thousand times before. The door was open. I came in, went upstairs. As I reached the top of the stairs I headed to your bedroom. You surprised me. You appeared behind me out of the bathroom. You wore a white towel. You smiled. Walked toward me. And took me in your arms. You hugged me. A simple strong hug. And then whispered. I missed you. Then we kissed.

My mind in my conscious and unconscious worked overtime. I melted. The kiss ended. I woke up.

I woke up feeling indulged, the feeling of excitement still there in my stomach.

Then anger. Anger that it was over...but it will always be in my dreams.

Friday 22 May 2009


To write...what?

I keep opening this blank page and up until the moment that I do tens of thousands of thoughts, ideas, feelings, dreams, and nightmares scream inside my head.

I can’t get one of them out.









So very tired.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Something new...

It started with a feeling. No, it wasn’t a feeling. It was an awakening. He woke something from deep inside me. The second he shook my hand I was changed, I felt it rupture from my head to my toes. I knew then he was set to change my world, to change the person that I was, and the person who I was going to become.

I tried to fight it at first, but after a few months I knew it was useless, I knew I had to give myself up to him mind, body and spirit. Easier said than done, letting go of your sanity. Letting go of everything you know to be true. The first several months passed quite uncomplicated, him being nothing but a whisper and a brief encounter at the back of my mind. Never leaving me however. Even from that first meeting he never actually left my thoughts. But it was later, on our next happening upon ea ch other ,that that slight, quite whisper which I had buried deep in my darkest thoughts then slowly crept down into my body. Deep through my veins, deep in to my loins, deep, and piercing into my heart.

Now hear I stand. My head more congested than it has ever been. My heart, even now, full, pounding and screaming his name. And my hands covered in blood.

Friday 16 January 2009

Willing to wait...

Just over a year ago I was told by a lady who did not know me, but knew everything about my life, that I was to do great things in the years to come.

She told me that in May of last year I would take up a job that I would excel in, that I would be happy in, that I would stay in for a number of years. But that it wasn't what I was supposed to be doing.

She told me that after several years that something would happen in my life. That my path would shift. That I would wake up one day to start something new, and that once I started I would look back at my previous years and wonder why it had taken me so long to get here. She told me that I wouldn’t regret the years that I had worked in pointless jobs, as my time there had taught me lessons, but that I would know that the journey I had then taken up would be what I was meant to do and that everything before hand would become unimportant.

She told me not to just sit around and wait for it. Not to sit around and urge this thing to come quicker. That I was meant to spend the next few years doing what I’m doing, and live my life the way that I am. But eventually day to day worries - money, material things, peer pressure, social dramas, and the like – would fade away, and I would know that I was on my path.

Each day as I do what I am doing, her voice plays around at the back of my head. When I tell someone of what she said, even as I type, it makes me tremble with excitement, and a little fear.

She ended by saying to me that I had a lot to do in this life, that in the future I will realise that I have a job to do.

I can feel it sometimes. Sometimes I have moments when something sparks inside of me, and my body and mind feel different momentarily. It’s usually as I travel around with my job and I daydream out of the window and look at the beauty around me, I feel it – whatever it may be.

So sometimes when it’s only half way through the month and I don’t possess a penny, or when work piles stress on me, or I feel less than worthy for whatever reason, I remember about the path that I am yet to walk, and the work I am yet to do and it calms me.