Friday 10 July 2009


I once read such a beautiful passage in a book. It suggested how the essence of every life is the same as that contained in the smallest seed, of the smallest plant. That how from the smallest seed and its roots, all of life grew and all of life is connected.

I’ve always had the deepest of respect for each living thing in this world – whether it is human, animal, plant or tree. I’ve always believe that the same soul of life is contained in each thing.

I recently watched a very harrowing, and emotional film about the civil war within Africa. It has the usual Hollywood undertones of the American army saving the day – carried out by the obviously true American hero, Bruce Willis. Bruce was given a mission to find and rescue an American doctor working in a mission in the midst of the war. His mission was to rescue the doctor, and the doctor only. The doctor, on her own mission to save as many lives as she could, would not leave her people that she cared for. Bruce ensures her that if she stays then the African soldiers who were not far behind would kill her instantly. She stands her ground. Why should she be the only one who is saved? She simply states “Yes, I may be an American, but all of us here are human”.

At the end of the Second World War, when all captured and imprisoned Jewish people were liberated throughout Europe, a small group made a gift for their saviour. The famous Oskar Schindler did his best through money, crime and bribery to save as many Jewish lives as he could during the Holocaust. The gift that they gave him was a simple gold band, which was engraved with a Hebrew proverb. It read “He who saves one life, saves the world entire”.

One life. Just one life, no matter race, or creed, colour, human, animal or plant, is a gift. This same life and soul – I believe – lives within us all.

So as I sit here on my air conditioned train, drinking my Starbucks, listening to my iTouch and looking across the beautiful sunlit countryside, I do realise and appreciate how lucky I am. This is my life, and my soul is happy. This is why I respect every human and living thing in this world, as the same life that is within me, is within them.

I feel that it is when this respect for life is forgotten that our world and the people within it turn upon themselves. War, murder, racism, homophobia, hate – all are born from a lack of respect of life and love.

Life is a gift, to love should come naturally to everyone.

I worry how this simple understanding is rapidly disappearing.

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.